Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Reading is difficult

I found a video on You Tube that answers the question: "Why is Reading so Hard?". Please take a look at it on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-1uGaMA9fc

What do you think?


  1. I thought the video on "Why is reading so hard" was interesting because it showed how kids perceive letters. I really liked that they showed how they would add a line ontop of the vowel to show long vowel and connected blends to make it easier for the student to read. I think a major reason why reading is hard in the english language is because there are alot of rules to letters, blends, vowels, and etc. Alot of students are not familiar with all the rules so they will at times pronounce words incorrect. Another reason why reading might be so hard is the way language is spoken in the home environment. As an example, with my parents, my father only went up to 9th grade while my mother went up to 11th grade. My father for the most part speaks spanish and my mother a little bit of both. but because of their limited education, they sometimes are not aware of how they say a word. My father, when he is writing, sounds out words to his best knowledge and mispells alot of the words. Due to his reading and recognizing words, it hinders his writing. Sorry for going off topic (going into writing).

  2. You know Marivel... I think you were going somewhere there, because reading does indeed affect writing (and every other subject area as well). I also agree that their speaking affects the reading and the speaking is affected by their listening (what they listen to). In other words, listening affects speaking, speaking affects reading, and reading affects writing and all of these affect the other learning areas. The truth of the matter is that we need to educate the whole child and you make some very interesting points.

  3. This video is so interesting and lets us understand how students perceive reading. I definitely agree with M. Valdez on the fact that English is harder to comprehend, read, write, and speak due to its challenging non-alphabetic language qualities...though there are 26 letters..there are close to 42 (estimate) different sounds. This video is very informative and I'm glad you shared it with us.

  4. I really do agree with M Valdez. The english language is so much harder. I mean we have words that are spelled and pronounced completely different and then we have so many rules like the i before e except after c. If that can confuse an adult imagine how hard it is for a third grader....
